Claude Ivan Taylor


Birth Date: May 20, 1925
Birthplace: Salisbury, New Brunswick
Death Date: April 23, 2015
Year Inducted: 1985
Awards: OC; The CD Howe Award; The Gordon McGregor Trophy; CSTJ; DCL (Hon); LLD (Hon)

The unselfish dedication of his great leadership and administrative abilities in the service of his nation and of his company have been of outstanding benefit to Canadian aviation

An Industrial Accountant

Claude Ivan Taylor, O.C., D.C.L.(Hon), LL.D.(Hon), was born in Salisbury, New Brunswick, on May 20, 1925, where he obtained his early education. He attended McGill University's Extension Department, graduating as a Registered Industrial Accountant in 1953.


Taylor joined Trans-Canada Airlines (TCA) as a reservation's agent in Moncton in 1949. At that time, the airline had just added Canadian-built North Stars to its fleet of DC-3's and moved its headquarters from Winnipeg to Montreal. He moved to Montreal, Quebec, as a Clerk for the airline in 1951. A number of promotions followed, placing him in various administrative positions. On January 1, 1965, the airline had a new look and a new name: Air Canada. By 1973 Taylor was named Vice-President, Public Affairs.

In February 1976, Taylor was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer and Director. He became Chairman of the Board in June 1984. In August of 1990 he assumed the additional duties of President and Chief Executive Officer. In February 1992, he reverted to his former position of Chairman of the Board.

One of Claude Taylor's goals when he became President of Air Canada was to cut the large deficit the airline had accumulated. He oversaw the reorganization of the airline following the passing of the Air Canada Act in 1977, which made it a Crown Corporation, with greater freedom to conduct is operations. Under the terms of the Act, the federal government allowed Air Canada to write down a large portion of its long-term debt.


Long an advocate of the privatization of Air Canada he was successful in persuading the Government of Canada to privatize the airline in two stages - 49% in 1987, followed by 100% privatization in 1988.

Serving on Many Boards

Taylor served on the Executive Committee of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and was President of IATA for the 1979-80 term. He was presented with the First Industry Service Award for his work in 1978 in developing the new IATA membership structure. He was the Founding Chairman of the International Aviation Management Training Institute and is today its Honorary Chairman. He continued to serve on a number of Boards and was Governor Emeritus of Concordia University. He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada (O.C.) in 1986 and is a Commander in the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (C.St.J.). He held an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from the University of New Brunswick and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from McMaster University.

Awards and Recognition

Taylor received numerous awards; among them the Royal Canadian Air Force Gordon R. McGregor Trophy in 1980; the Human Relations Award from the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews; the B'nai Brith Canada Award of Merit; the Silver Wolf Award for Services of the Most Exceptional Character to Scouting; and the C.D. Howe Award for Leadership in Aeronautics and Space. In 1993 he was awarded the Salvation Army Order of Distinguished Service Cross. In 1996 the Western Canada Aviation Museum recognized him as a Pioneer in Canadian Aviation.

In 1993 he was named Chairman Emeritus of Air Canada and continued to be a member of the Board, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, and the Pension Investment Policy Committee until his death on April 23, 2015 at Montreal, Quebec.

Claude Ivan Taylor was inducted as a Member of Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame in 1985 at a ceremony held at Edmonton, Alberta.

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